What Happens When Dad And His Twin Babies Are Left Home Alone
March 3, 2015 #family
By Carmen Martinez

When I saw this video for the first time, I thought that this dad was about to change some dirty diapers. But it turns out that he had a better idea in mind! He dances for his babies, and they imitate every move he makes! It's so cute and funny at the same time...

Why do the babies imitate him, though? It's common knowledge that babies imitate a lot of the things they see adults doing, but a study from the University of Washington has shown that imitation"is [a baby's] foremost tool for learning". “Babies are exquisitely careful people-watchers, and they’re primed to learn from others,” says Andrew Meltzoff, co-author and co-director of the UW Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, adding that "when babies watch someone else, it activates their own brains." Apparently, because of the way a baby's brain is organized, it directly connects him to other people, triggering imitation and social and emotional bonding. "Babies look at you and see themselves", Meltzoff adds to finalize. This means that, for babies, imitation is key to the development of a wide range of abilities, from language to various social skills.

Watch these babies imitate their dad and have a little giggle! Do your babies imitate you in any funny way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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