A garbage collector's job revolves around routines. Different routines on different days to effectively and efficiently take away what we throw away. When this collector arrives at this particular house, however, something very special happens that I've ever seen before. As the orange truck screeches to a halt, the family dog bolts out to the road to great the behemoth with his tail wagging uncontrollably. It's clearly a mutual excitement, as the man behind the wheel takes a break from his routine for some good old-fashioned belly rubbing.
These two clearly have a special bond, and you can tell they can't wait for the calendar (if dogs know what a calendar is) to land on this particular trash day so they can see each other again. I imagine this sort of thing makes the garbage collector's week, but I just love that he gives the dog and home owners' such special attention.
Have you ever seen anything like this? We'd love to hear your stories if you've experienced something similar.