This is definitely one of those stories that you don't hear of all the time. I really enjoyed getting a glimpse of the interesting family dynamic shown in the video. Associated Press met up with Emily Jordan and her family to highlight the events that spun into place after Jordan was diagnosed with cervical cancer and then later discovered that she was pregnant. Undoubtedly, the news took Jordan and her husband by great surprise as they were forced to make a decision about their baby. With the cancer treatments that Jordan needed to undergo, she knew her chances of delivering a baby were nonexistent. After recounting the events to her mother Cindy Reutzel, the discussion about the issue took an incredible turn. Reutzel offered to be a surrogate for any viable embryos her daughter and son-in-law produced in the future (doctors were able to save her ovaries), and after much deliberation, Jordan and her husband accepted.
Hearing this story really gave me a new perspective on the meaning of family. I love that Reutzel who's in her 50's didn't let age or any other factor get in the way of her loving and caring for her family. Watch the video and share your thoughts on this story in the comments section below!